Tree Of Life Project

A memorable and enduring symbol of your love for God’s church
Proceeds from this endeavor will be used to upgrade the audio and visual components in BKCAME Church. We will soon have a state-of-the-art system capable of producing state-of-the-art sound and video.
Order your leaf, acorn or foundation stone today.
They are planted in the house of LORD, they flourish in the courts of our GOD. (Psalm 92:12)
A community grows great when Godly people plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Church Family: Like branches on a tree, we grow in different directions, but our roots remain as one.
Notice the leaves to the right, which remind us of the many happy occasions and significant people and blessings, which can be commemorated on the Tree of Life. Here is your opportunity to donate a leaf, acorn, or stone to be engraved with your special message of remembrance or congratulations.
Here is your opportunity to donate a leaf, acorn, or stone to be engraved with your special message of remembrance or congratulations.
For a Brass Leaf on the Tree of Life, the donation is $300 (only 200 available).
For an Acorn on the Tree of Life, the donation is $750 (only 20 available).
For a Foundation Stone at the base of the Tree of Life, the donation is $1,500 (only 10 available).
For questions, contact the BKCAME Church office at (323) 296-5610 or email [email protected]


    Selection of a:

    (Please make check payable to: BKCAME Church)