
Media Ministry:

CDs and DVDs of worship services, Bible Studies, concerts and special programs are available following the worship services or by mail order.

Job Information Center:

Provides counseling and assistance in locating jobs and training programs for unemployed or disadvantaged persons.

Bereavement Committee:

Assists the family of the deceased in grief support, funeral arrangements, memorial services and other’s needs.

Class Leaders Council:

Duties include maintaining contact with new members, visiting the general membership and providing spiritual support

Church (Sunday) School:

Conducts classes in religious knowledge to instruct the membership and advance the cause of Christianity.

Health Ministry:

Sponsors health clinics and seminars for the congregation and community.

Lay Organization:

Organizes and trains lay members (all members who are not elders or deacons) in the history, tradition and principles of African Methodism.

Sons of Allen/Men of Brookins:

Organizes men in Christian fellowship and develops activities to strengthen the role of men in the church.

Music Department:

Enhances worship through music. Coordinates and oversees the choirs for Brookins-Kirkland Sunday services at 9:00 a.m. They include the Voices of Unity, Youth & Young Adult Choir, Buds of Promise Children’s Choir and the Male Chorus.

Membership & Evangelism Commission:

Promotes church attendance, distributes religious literature, visits the sick and shut-in, and develops prayer groups and other activities to spread the Gospel.

Usher Board:

Official doorkeepers of the house of God; welcome visitors and directs them to comfortable seats; ensures that order is kept in and around the church; aids the pastor in making the worship service a success. Includes Senior, Men’s, Ladies, Youth and Junior Usher Boards.

Welcome Ministry:

Greets members and visitors at the door before each worship service. Coordinates and presents other activities to promote family togetherness.

Organizations and Auxiliaries

Instructs new members in the doctrines of Christianity and African Methodism through a 11-week series of classes.

Public Relations Commission:

Disseminates information to the congregation and the community about the doctrine, programs, procedures and activities of the church.

Scouts Organization (Boys/Girls):

Instructs boys and girls in leadership, self-confidence, independence and Christian values.

Music Department:

“There’s A Place For You at Brookins-Kirkland!” We extend a hearty welcome and invite you to participate in the activities at Brookins-Kirkland Community A.ME. Church. We have many organizations and auxiliaries ranging from the traditional – Usher Boards and Missionary Society – to the non-traditional such as Health Ministry. For more information, call our church office at (323) 296-5610.

Women’s Missionary Society (WMS):

Develops fellowship activities to aid women and youth grow in the knowledge of Christ.